Hi, I'm Liz

I created this site primarily to celebrate my love for Music, but also as a way to keep in contact with my LinkedIn network.  

Why would I need to have a backup for LinkedIn do you ask? Well, I was banned there for a month in late 2024. While LinkedIn never informed me of the reason for the ban, I can make a couple of educated guesses.

I have some excellent professionals in my network who have, likewise, been banned from that platform this past year  – some permanently now… despite their executive positions. And so I suppose it may only be a matter of time before I’m permanently banned there myself.

We’re living in very strange times when true professionals, creators of genuine value, and hardworking conscientious people, are being banned from a business social media platform. 

So, in addition to celebrating my love for Music, that’s the other reason why I’ve put up this site. It’s a way for members of my valued professional network to hopefully find me again… should I suddenly disappear permanently from LinkedIn. 

Liz Turner Innovator Breakthrough Strategy Marketing Pioneer Founder QR Codes